What should I wear for my workout?

Shirts and closed toe shoes are required.  Loose, comfortable clothing and rubber soled shoes (gym shoes) are recommended.

Are there specific “rules of etiquette” for the fitness floor? Yes! 

  • Please remove all weights from the machines and return them to the weight racks.
  • Limit your workout to 30 minutes on each piece of cardiovascular equipment.
  • Wipe off the equipment after use.  Gym wipes are provided throughout the fitness floor.
  • Please be courteous.  Do not rest or loiter on equipment between sets.  Let other members work their sets between yours.
  • The gym closes at 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 6 p.m. Friday. All members must vacate the fitness center by that time.
  • Fitness Center equipment is for use within the fitness center; please do not take equipment outside.
  • For everyone’s safety, please do not use the group fitness floor when class is in session. 
  • Please be respectful of our equipment and machines by not slamming or dropping weights.

May I bring a guest?

Yes, but only if the guest is a building employee or contractor eligible for membership. The individual will be required to fill out a membership registration form and waiver. Guests and visitors will be eligible for the $5/day rate and have access to offered programs while in the facility.

I’m having trouble with my workout. Can someone help me? 

We have professional and experienced fitness specialists available to help. Fitness specialists always are around the fitness floor if you have a question about your workout, how to do an exercise, etc. You also can schedule an appointment with the fitness specialist to talk specifically about your workout and goals. From this, the specialist will be able to create a workout plan tailored specifically to your needs.

Can I use the spinning bikes for my own workout?

Yes, we only ask that you refrain from using them independently during scheduled group fitness classes and that you put them back and clean them when you are done.

I’m looking for a space to stretch, relax and meditate. Can I use the studio?

Yes, outside of scheduled group fitness classes, the studio may be used for personal workouts, DVD led workouts and/or meditation.  Please inform the Fitness Specialist that you will be in the studio so that a staff member can check on you periodically.

Do I need to register or pay for group fitness classes?

There is no fee for classes. All classes are included with your membership. You do not need to register for classes, except for indoor cycling. Indoor Cycling class will have a sign-up sheet at the front desk 15 minutes prior to the start of class. This sign-up sheet will determine how many will be allowed to participate in the class.